Wednesday, 26 June 2013

A chance to bring evidence-based practice to the fore at City of York council

At our latest meeting Councillor Anna Semlyen asked us for help giving evidenced-based decision-making a higher profile in York politics, by introducing it as a topic for this year's scrutiny committees.

Scrutiny is where backbench councillors challenge cabinet members and council policy by doing research on chosen topic areas. They are committees comprised of cross party councillors not on the cabinet. Evidence-based practice affects all scrutiny. There are 5 scrutiny committees;  scrutiny management, economic and city development, health, learning and culture, and community safety. Cllr Semlyen has suggested evidence-based decision making as a topic for scrutiny management and an overarching theme for all 5 scrutinies.

She is asking for help to get this topic adopted (chosen by the committee) by writing to the chair of scrutiny management committee Cllr John Galvin and scrutiny staff and copying in

Our member Paul Hopwood has already written to them, and has been asked to make a three minute presentation in support of evidence-based practice at the relevant meeting on the 15th of July. We're not asking everyone to attend, but writing a letter would be very helpful, and if anyone else would like to make a presentation, that would be great.

Here is the text of Paul's email, in case you'd like an idea of what to write:

To Whom it may concern,

As someone who is a very passionate promoter of science, skepticism and evidence-based research; I would like to suggest that York City Council's Overview and Scrutiny for 2013/14 should be focused on looking at Evidence-based decision-making by the council.

If you wish to discuss the matter further, or require any more information, don't hesitate to ask.

Yours Sincerely

Paul Hopwood
I shall be writing a similar email soon, and would urge our members to do the same. The deadine to do this is the 14th of July but the sooner, the better. Let see if we can help to raise the profile of evidence-based practice in York.

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